Adulting Is…

Chaterine Writes
2 min readDec 22, 2023


Hi everyone. It’s been a while since I wrote on Medium. Life has been busy (a bit of a lie here, lol). Anyway, recently, I just couldn’t get myself to sit and write stuff. Maybe I feel like my thoughts are somewhat unimportant and who’s going to read this anyway? But if you are reading this right now, thank you. Thank you for stopping by and reading my random thoughts.

Today is the 22nd of December, which means three more days to Christmas and then New Year. It’s been an eventful year for me, and I’ve learned a lot, especially about adulting, since I am just three years into “this” world.

For me, adulting is… realizing that you don’t have to listen to everyone’s opinion about you. Sometimes you just have to stick with the concept: “you do you,” as long as you don’t harm others.

Adulting is… making decisions by yourself and being responsible for them. Like it or not, we are always held accountable for every decision that we make.

Adulting is… normalizing cutting people off. It’s hard, especially if you tend to please everyone. However, some people don’t share the same values and goals as we do anymore, and they could hinder our growth.

Adulting is… recognizing and understanding your patterns. You have to do the inner work and face your inner self to build successful relationships with others.

Adulting is… understanding that it’s okay to see a therapist. Sometimes, we need to talk to someone, and that someone is not always a friend or family. Seeking professional help doesn’t mean you are crazy; it means you are just human.

Adulting is… lonely. It is to the point where you feel like no one understands you. But that’s okay. Once again, it’s adulting.

Adulting is… questioning everything, whether this path is the right one for me or not. Or as simple as whether I should pack my bags right now and move to Antarctica. Or should I buy a burger franchise now? Or should I settle down and get married?

Adulting is… chaotic. Aside from questioning everything, you are also confused about everything, which makes everything complicated.

Last but not least, adulting is… when you have to drag yourself to the gym even though you don’t feel like going, because, like they say, consistency wins (and so that you can also eat that extra cake without feeling too guilty!)

It’s almost 10 PM now, and it’s my time to go to bed. Let me continue reflecting on adulting in my dreams. Good night, everyone.



Chaterine Writes

A travel-junkie who loves reading, writing, and exploring new things. I write to express and keep my ideas alive. Thank you for coming! :)